Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wow! I rode Canada Road again. What a difference it makes when your brakes aren't on! What a nice ride. Just an easy clip on the slight uphills and the downhills are just steep enough to get a little speed up. The fog started to roll over the hills about the time I was finishing up.
Today's theme: Do I shave my legs? Is it weird for people who see me pass by that I have hairy gorilla-ape legs? What about th eguys who zip past me on their bikes as I hammer at an amazingly slow speed. I mean, is it really important? Would it be a psychological boost on those longs straightaways? Would it make me faster? Or would it have a calming effect on my fellow riders and innocent bystanders knowing that order has been restored, the sun is in the sky, the cars are in their lanes and another cyclists has shed his leg hair. After all who wants to get passed by a guy who doesn't dress the part. When I'm riding I always feel better if the guy who is faster than me is dressed properly. I mean if someone looks like they just pulled a T-Shirt off the floor, slipped on a pair of baggy shorts and is wearing the first Bell Helmet ever made (you know, the black hard shell) goes zipping by, I kinda want to hang up the bike and take up macrame. But if that same guys is wearing a Webcor jersey with matching tights and a snappy helmet with matching shoes I don't feel so bad. I think, "OK, well that guy probably doesn't have a full time job. He has so much time to ride that he makes this look easy." Of course it never enters my mind that I'm 44 and need to up my conditioning.
So maybe Clinton and Stacey on "What Not to Wear" have a point. If you dress the part you feel better about yourself and that translates to how others view you. So maybe if I shave my legs the guys in the matching outfit will feel a little better about himself if he passes someone who is dressed well, too.
OK, enough. Remember to donate! My donation link is up and to the right. Hit the link and donate! Thanks for watching.


Missy said...

My vote is for the shaved legs!!

those crazy web kids upstairs said...

http://www.nairformen.com/ 'nuff said